Como instalar el IE tester para testerar tu web en todas las versiones de IE

:: IE 10 Preview ::

Note that IE10 preview IS NOT installed with IETester. The user must install it itself.
Also note that IE10 Preview requires Windows 7 to install on the machine.
Starting with IETester version 0.4.10, IE10 preview can be integrated into IETester by following those install steps :
  1. Install IETester version 0.4.10 or newer version.
  2. Install IE10 preview (click on "Install the Preview" button from this page)
  3. Open two explorer windows. On the first window, go to C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\ folder, and on the second window, go to C:\Program Files\Core Services\IETester\ie10 :
    • Note: On x64 platforms, the folders are respectively C:\Program Files(x86)\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\ and C:\Program Files(x86)\Core Services\IETester\ie10
  1. Copy the folder iepreview.exe.local from C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\ to C:\Program Files\Core Services\IETester\ie10 (respectively C:\Program Files(x86)\Internet Explorer Platform Preview\ and C:\Program Files(x86)\Core Services\IETester\ie10 on x64 platforms):
  2. In the C:\Program Files\Core Services\IETester\ie10 (C:\Program Files(x86)\Core Services\IETester\ie10 on x64 platforms) folder, rename the folder iepreview.exe.local to ietester.ie10.exe.local :
  3. Done ! You don't even need to restart IETester, the IE10 button should become active after a few seconds.
